In 2023, UK Research and Innovation invested in a local partnership in Twerton and Whiteway, to develop a new Community Research Network. The partnership was one of twenty-five community research networks nationally, selected through a pioneering programme to empower communities to lead on research about issues that affect them.
The Twerton and Whiteway Community Research Network is led by a collaboration of four local organisations: Bath City Farm, First Steps Bath, Southside Family Project and Youth Connect South West.
Click Here to Watch our community film ➤
These organisations worked together with local residents, other groups and both universities in Bath to develop the Community Research Network. They visited and learnt from other community research projects and built local capacity in research skills and community development.
This included eight visits and workshops:
Thank you to all the organisations that shared their experience, insight and expertise with Twerton and Whiteway Community Research Network representatives and residents:
Play Disrupt Workshop
Community Research Bristol Visit with Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Bristol, Eastside Community Trust and Black South West Network
Community Research London Visit with Wick Award and the Bromley by Bow Centre
Getting Started with Community Research Workshop at the University of Bath with Professor Shawn Sobers from UWE
Identity and Belonging Workshop with The Belonging Network
Creative Twerton Workshop
Asset Based Community Development Workshop with Cormac Russell of Nurture Development
Community Research Bristol Visit with Ambition Lawrence Weston
As a result of these visits and workshops, we learned:
As part of the project, the research network commissioned a community film showcasing local people responding to the question, ‘What does Twerton and Whitway means to me?’:
Film by Local filmmaker Nigel Sheppard
We are now applying for the full-scale implementation stage of the Twerton and Whiteway Community Research Network to build local knowledge, skills, and capacity to support research produced with, by, and for our communities.
The Network is now a stronger and broader collaboration bringing in both the University of Bath and Bath Spa University and more organisations: Age UK B&NES, The Belonging Network, Blooming Whiteway and Play Disrupt.
Through this project we will develop, train and support residents as Community Researchers and work together to transform how community strengths and potential are identified and understood in Twerton and Whiteway, and how residents are involved in research about them and their communities. We will share knowledge and experience, connecting with the local community, civil society and research sectors. The evidence gathered through this research will provide information and insight that has never been available before for resident groups, decision makers and organisations.